Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Practice makes perfect with this bouquet! Having the right decorating tip made all the difference in  the world and I used Wilton 1m. The trick is to start swirling from the center of the cupcake to the outside with one hand moving the cupcake in a circular motion at the same time while piping with the other hand. I used two long kabob sticks pressed in to Styrofoam in the pot and placed the cupcake on them. I used 6 cupcakes for each pot because they were so big. I saved some money and purchased the leaves at the dollar tree. I cut each branch and pushed the leaves to the top; and arranged the leaves around the cupcake roses! TADA a cupcake bouquet! It didn't take long at all and having the right consistency for the icing was the hardest part. I cheated first and bought wilton decorating icing and made my own to match the consistency. I have my own recipe now and it seemed to work great. Search YouTube for some easy tutorial and…. GOOD LUCK!

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